Home page Instytut Neofilologii The Didactics Office
The Didactics Office
Head |
Anna Mrzygłodzka, MA |
anna.mrzyglodzka@ignatianum.edu.pl |
Lecturer |
John McCumiskey, PhD |
johnpmccumiskey@outlook.com |
Lecturer |
Agnieszka Kotarba, MA |
agnieszka.kotarba@ignatianum.edu.pl |
Lecturer |
Michael Doherty, MA |
michael.doherty@ignatianum.edu.pl |
Lecturer |
Barbara Kos-Ferreira, MA |
barbara.kos-ferreira@ignatianum.edu.pl |
The didactics office has been established as a separate unit of the Institute of Neophilology in 2020. Our lecturers teach the subjects of Practical English Learning. The members of the office are didacticians experienced in the field of teaching English and its specialist variations. They worked in such units as the Jagiellonian University, Tischner European University, the British Council and major language schools in Krakow. Michael Doherty and Dr John McCumiskey are native speakers of English and have extensive international experience in teaching. John McCumiskey, PhD has taught English in Slovenia and China, and his scientific interests cover philosophy and international relations. Agnieszka Kotarba, MA is a specialist in methodology teaching and the head of student internships. Barbara Kos-Ferreira, MA has extensive experience in teaching business English and Anna Mrzygłodzka, MA, teaches translation and is an active translator. Our team is distinguished.